If your menu items under the Actions and Create menus in Lotus Notes have disappeared, blame Unity. Choosing 'Ubuntu Classic' from the login window will re-enable these.
*Update* Workaround: Changing the wrapper script /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/notes-wrapper to...:
cd `dirname "$0"`
LD_PRELOAD=`pwd`/libnotesgtkfix.so `pwd`/notes $*
...will give back the old, "local" menu for Eclipse based applications, in this case Lotus Notes.
See also http://ibmubuntu.blogspot.com/2011/04/lotus-notes-on-natty.html for information on the wrapper script.
So no solution when wanting to use unity?
SvarSlettWell... In my case, I almost never use the Create and Action menus, so I get by with Unity. But there is definitely a bug somewhere, and since we are using a GTK wrapper to even get Notes to start in Unity, I would _guess_ it is a problem with Lotus...
SvarSlettNot in Lotus (of course) but in Eclipse.
Hmmm, looks like an environment variable may let you run Notes in Unity, but without using the Globalmenu, i.e. it will have its own menu. I'll update the original post.
SvarSlettBtw, the icon for Lotus notes, if you want to create a launcher to the notes-wrapper, lies here: /usr/share/pixmaps/ibm-lotus-notes.png